the conversation is part of a 15 minutes planungsgespräch. the preliminary discussion revealed that one class intended to visit commune in the future (anschluszseminar) could be one in the section :german as foreign language: (DAF) that both participants considered relevant to their curriculum and in continuation of this classes (NPRG) program.
the dialogue represents minutes 08:42 - 10:45 of the recording transcribed according to GAT2 conventions using EXMARALDA partitur editor (Wörner and Schmidt 2014) and ELAN (ELAN 2022).
Auswertung 1. der TRP (transition relevant places) im Dialogverlauf.
Diese werden hier 2. nach Fourier-Transformation der Positionen
abgebildet, so dasz die frequenzanalysierte (nach Fourier also relative
Länge) der zwischen den TRP liegenden Dialogabschnitten sichtbar ist. 3.
Die relativierte Verlaufkurve der Intonationsphrasenlänge;
rot = SP0, grün = SP1, blau = Differenzkurve
Fourier transformation of data cf. “syuzhet” R-Package: (Jockers 2015)
## speechacts speech time (sec) words
## SP0 70 80 167
## SP1 43 51 71