Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)
collection of -the living archive- in dresden town. examples of how to present archive content to public.
1: ALTANA GALERIE DER KUSTODIE IM GÖRGES-BAU — KUSTODIE — TU DRESDEN, fakulty of elektrotechnik/informationtechnique.
presentation: was accompanied by an -art installation- by TABITA REZAIRE (which inhere Id say represents the gaps&missing links); the technical items were arranged along 1st&2nd floor galeries…
items were mainly heavy machines from beginning to mid 20th century, manufactured by aeg, siemens halske usw. most of them transformators, generators… which covered a grand espace that time. nowadays transformatores have place within a cellphone for example…

2: same faculty, main building.
items: in -vitrines- to walk by. public accessible on way to toilet for example…
displayed were books, -ancient- electronic parts, dokumentation of scientific (examina?)

3: window of kunsthochschule dresden at brühlsche terassen.
presentation of work. open to passing pedestrians on the promenade who easily miss them. as I often did unless theyre not there since today…
4: botanical garden dresden.
dead end of -the living archive- and how to get there by producing an herbarium. an herbarium is a (conserved state) of a living plant (which is dried in paper/fleece matrizes under pressure) used for examination of botanical characteristics to for example specify a plant within a certain taxonomy.

5: hygiene museum dresden. sonderausstellung -von pflanzen & menschen.-
presentation of the items which are not easily assembled under another perspective than the relations between plants & humans was open to public and served a wide didactic frame of a target group.

6: construction/restauration site at augustbrücke.
open archive of sandstone material affected by weather in contrast to new construction material.
7. archiv -mode bewahren im öffentlichen raum-
8. archivthema -gesetze wahren-
being a responsible adult one is able to decide soimeme when to cross streets in this seriously pedestrian friendly town. you are not every five meter blocked by some red/green denunziant like in bigger cities.