Last Updated on 20231215(16.03)
some warm welcome if you found your way which I am not willing to assume. i try to collect here fyi some your special interests connected sujets which you can readaround bei time/bock.
- soundscape plant irrigation
- schattendruck the heft

- if you happen to visit the PhilBib: weg zum buch / a rather conventional output of the edition
i hope you took the chance to sneak some, i got several pings from the uk. some personal…, i did sneak myself and stumbled over some residencies which let you appear more close and less academic, typical. imagining, not just, but maybe in a way that youre writing which i dont know is also close. just wanted that to message, hoping for a kennenlernen no matter which context. theres stories for no water crossing some lavastonedesert and few glimp ereinnerungen, id love to hear about yours. im sorry this all too personal, i said im old, im nerd, and im without any sense for hierarchies nor distance. be that…
- found another: ph360
schade, naja…, irgendwie wird das so nix. can we meet trotzdem and talk water? i’d love to show you the schattendruck, really.
thank you for the bridge…, i still like to (meet), maybe… show you the daily nature im surrounded by…, fenced, guarded, artificial maybe, but a way of how it works in the city. you will not gather that probably, it takes a long time to love that place.
your dictionary…, is another thing…; i had once found an old gesenius hebrew lexikon, in bad shape for still a lot of money. i knew a bookbinder and had the book restaurated for another heap of money. its a shabbes companion and i like to touch its back very much…, now precious and soft leather.