09224.out: call for collaboration

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

good morning aarkivista,

je suis a la recherche du qn qui veux fait un thesis sur environment/ca. -le cimetiere comme archive de la nature- et qui a besoin de collecter du data. je travails comme jardinier sur une c. a berlin et peux/voudrais bien d’avoir un possibilite/raison de etre occupe avec -feldstudien- pour (vous).
contacte via ada-sub.rotefadenbeucher.de
meld dich, st.

09224.ps: panel friday. few edited notes for your homework.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

1. daniel rosenberg

  • stop list. pioneer hans peter luhn, KWIC, 1958
  • concordancen…, einzige möglichkeit, to avoid irrelevant word in index
  • lorraine daston, science in the archive
  • alexander cruden, 1737, concordance

2. gloria meynen, zeit des archiv – zeit des büros; feedback loops?

  • cornelia fissmann, (etymologie archiv)
  • protokollieren von: beisammensein, verhandlungen
  • akten: zustandekommen nicht dokumentiert (antike…); ursprünglich keine metadaten
  • tabularium: tafeln, wachstafeln, ablage: urkunden, zeugen statt (acta). vorform d. archivs
  • ordnung…, reinigung: anfänge der kanzelierung: (officialeses?) strichung, signaturen, (marginalien)…, gitterschrift: zäsur, abtrennung d. inhalts vom akt der archivierung -> metadaten
  • auf abruf abgelegt: notwendigkeit erzeugt relevanz
  • nadelholz…, spieszordner, biblo, rapto…, (tacker, büroklammern)
  • 7.11.99 büroklammer emerges aus (nadeln)
  • nicht konservierung, sondern zirkulation
  • leitz 18.7.85, erfindung d. klassischen -blechordners- mit hebelmechanismus
  • liegende ordnung der deckel: kanzleiblätter
  • ablageform erzwingt regale, büros; horizontale-vertikale ordnung
  • (desktop…)
  • hypertextbuch, index ermöglicht querzugang
  • (allen turin): k.a.
  • bestände weggeschlossen in proprietäres format, digitales archiv ada,

3. (doreen mende)

  • der gewöhnliche faschismus, iris gusner, angela davies
  • realismus des archivs vs. reali(tät…) -> k.a.
  • die taube auf dem dach…, k.a.
  • liebe iris gusner, videobrief, über lebenswerk commeca…

4. nora sternfeld

  • das radikaldemokratische museum
  • kader attia
  • reactfeminism.org
  • cornelius cardew; scores musicale
  • historisches material als potenzial der gegenbewegung
  • VKBÖ archiv, wien
  • bildwechsel.org
  • interference archive, new york, brooklyn
  • körperlichkeit und (erinnerlichkeit?) von archiv, von erinnerung
  • let it be known, gegengeschichte der afrikanischen diaspora, wien
  • linz, rebellinnen, hochschule textilgestaltung, bustouren, leseperformances, lieux: erste feministische besetzung(occupation)
  • auseinandersetzung mit der zeit mozarts

actualising archives by economising and privatising knowledge

  • harald szeemann, switzerland, beatrice v. bismarck
  • archives and commons
  • ökonomien der enteignung, alles zu privateigeintum, hier: umgekehrt -> institutionalisierung
  • -all of this belongs to you-, britische nationalsammlung; exhibition
  • belinda kazeem-kaminsky
  • nancy frasier; working class, zugänglichkeit…
  • colonial bourgeoisie: auch underprivileged inherit hierarchy.
  • graubünden, unknown artist, im archiv aufgenommen…, institutionalising outsiders
  • difference between instituting/institutionalising
  • archivemania… (nom)
  • dokumenta intitute: no contempt of radikal… democracy

5. arsenal, film, migrating the archive…, moderation stefanie schulte strathaus, filipa cesar, filmmaker…

  • subtitles on analogue film: to be removed when returning them to the country of origin
  • tamer el said, symatec (cinemateque?) kairo film archive, lot of donations, cinematek!
  • material: censorship comments, list of banned films: how had come legal? lm
  • 1954 same idea raised to establish a cinematek
  • reread narratives, to which extend these film represent people in a way they can be happy with
  • vega, schimpanse im leningrad zoo, arab film in english, weirdpointofview: pushing up of exhibit charakter. even more in the film, since made in english, lm
  • mönch film afrika; portrait of indigenes question of how advertising (the jesuit mission) or unpretentios it is, how is reality depicted… one cannot know for example werbefilmchen of today in the future, their interpretation…; picture of reality? next: bauchtanz: as pornos…? it is like that, plus with male/female actors, soit: queer filmchen; provenience: egypt family in america; lm
  • politica, connotation, external view, britain on egypt, zeit: saddat, demonstrationen, communist plot? lm
  • 60ies, palestinians in berlin, gdr…ostwerbefilm…
  • archive fever, book
  • the digital as a form of archive…,
  • generell: ägyptische cinematek soll nach berlin. punkt. warum? inclusion/exclusion of audience, accessibility, teuer, eigentlich aufgabe des staates, nicht vom filmemachern (all three involved)…,
  • how the archive is echoing, echochamber, evolving, the living archive

. disk.

  • how relevance encounter archives
  • berlinale forum…
  • relevance: production context, where the stuff is coming from, footage, process of decisionmaking, no money, guerilla process of digitisation, material geht dabei kaputt, prototype uralte maschinen, digitize the conditions of material as well; scratches etc…, pathology of film, footage charakter erhalten,
  • zeit, placing location: when burning dvds, access: no digitalization in guinea, is the archive a mirror: (instead of a mirror?)
  • reproducing images…; no personal interest by originals, compare to germany, lm no prisoned egyptians necessary to see by (originals)
  • q: what is the job for the archive for the locals? does the translocation not destroy the materiality of the archive itself.

okay, to more (elaborate) on (content) i was not able…, perhaps anybody can use this for his doing of what he*s up to do tropsdem…

bithewai: good morning, aarkvista. i’m out…, for begonia semperflorens which is eisbegonien maintenant…


09221. encore ici.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

bon soir aarkivisti…, good morning group…,

also ich bin jdfs. noch da…, nous disont comme ca. dire: donc, je suis ici, mais vous? (le son cest tres improvise en francais, mais si lentendre en allemand et le comprendre tu sais comme jen pense…

alors, tu es dans les trains, les avions, le gummiboote? okay, das lassen wir lieber…; jespere tu bien recu? (reached) your (heimatland) or whatever you might call it. im still in this ancient anxious ancienne antique baroque pittoresque provinzstadt der deutschen demokratischen republik and -gave me a piece of theatre- ce soir que tu je pense trouvais bien amusant. moi: non.

invited! at bürgerbühne festival 2019 dresden.

you shall feel free to participate, really. its all. i will do this sonst by myself and thats not a good idea…

si qn a un idee pour demain a me supporter dans mon -installation- que je veux faire encore une foi, bienvenue… a monseigneur L. clever, oder?

09217. (disclosure? im bad at terms…)

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

since the (improvised platform) is (improvised announced) to you resp. i somehow (told) you of it by (improvising) an (improvised) presentation of -the living archive- in the lobby some place -not glitchy whateverthatmeans- i wanted to secure for any objections concerning me to post further picture material up there without blackening the faces, which is not meant lyrical. objections to: me.

09216. probleme des selbst. und wie man ständig mit allem danebenliegt.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

trying to abstract from my very subjective which is clear view on how to lead a discourse about

  • how to engage with the ada as a whole
  • how to activate the archive
  • „what strategies can (I) suggest to uncover, activate, demonstrate, the relationships that built the archive, while acknowledging the complexities that come with this exercise“ (bik v.d.pol)
  • „what research would (I) embark on if (I) would have all the access (I) need“ (bik v.d.pol)

(for example) (a few options as directed to the communal brain of one of the discussion groups by bik van der pol) (semantic issue: -as directed-; not -of the groups by-… that misinterpretation would lead fast into the medias res of

  • how to reflect on issues of accessibility (of the archive), interpretation power (of the content) and impact (on further scientific access) within the limitations of the very own access, interpretation power and impact as being part of the unknown) (klammer zu) (capital I.)

I see I’m not coming to terms. (delay 09216: this is as i was teached the wrong expression, it should rather be: im not solving any…)

I cannot divide the research methods from the subject. I had one grandious pichelsteiner yesterday in the mensa of max planck. everything around here is well sorted out. stepping into the tram, finding the right machine to -validate your ticket-, finding an aisle to get a meal, finding a coffe by following a yet described path and -your- toilet by following instincts. it’s supposed to be on the right hand side when you enter and you cannot miss it, just walk on. its’ traditional architecture, classic white stuff maybe, but for me it works well. fronts pilastered, entrance du verre et bien assure avec un dead end for catching folks. besides the pichelsteiner I was offered the possibility of further collecting -coffee stamps- which I had to deny. warum eigentlich…

hat niemand an seinen thermobecher gedacht? komisch, naja… but I will not mix my issues with the catalogues, folders, lockers. what was the task again?

methods of approaching an approach.

I really love that word. reminds me always of the cockroach. not the cockreach you funny little nestcepas. „no, this brand have we not.“ (Guinnes, A.; Eine Leiche zum Dessert. A rough copy by rotefadenbuecher. Berlin, 2016.) I am just leafing through. ’s not that difficult. only thing is to panel the touch with gloves. ’s working. I’m used to plug out tiny elements vivants with bulky fingers. but for my case theres no need of any element to survive. it’s breakfast is it? hell yeah…

okay. im overdriving. but, seriously…

probably is better to sticking to at least some task if I am as I am luckily given the opportunity to participate in (this.) (this: is here some very weites feld of all-inclusive-labor.) I’m not sure if anybodys able to profit some weird way of what I have to contribute to this (it’s not a project, is it? its other dimension I suppose but as always I am not sure of getting the least. What Im sure of is to lentement come into ways of expressing, elaborating… my humble thoughts to the archive. medias res? medias res.


if Im getting right what it means -to engage- soimeme, I am now to some extend engaged into THE subject. that is?

  • filing an archive
  • doing research within the archive
  • finding ways/methods/formalia to present the primary -content-
  • finding immanent formalia that produced the archive
    • no, one step before: find an answer wether its necessary to elaborate immanent formalia aiming at expanding the archive or if this (expanding it) has to work -without- knowing the architecture.

okay, folks…, its a status fkn chose. not choice. chose. one should know what that means. I mean it. but we were into medias res were we. okay. engage. see, im takin this serious and you-of-whom-i-know-nuttin provoked it. Trusting that no one hacked the server of the hdkdw and the car in front is not stolen (i will investigate on that) theres nothing doubtful about this trusted(as i think) institution being involved into the upcoming task of institutionalising the contents of the archive of e.m. (the grandmaster flash, is he?) first. segundo: (after this i found only brackets in my mind which remind me of my uncapacities to follow (fulfill?) somewhat scientific tasks so i provide this as a more artsyfartsy but still farawayfrombeiinginanyway productive contribue to the presentation of

group II. st. potmaschin. rotefadenbuecher.)

  • and where fuck is now the artsy stuff? hä?
  • ehmm…

(artpiece?) oops theres another one.

09215.6 piece of art. i think its #1.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

  • to settle. (which is first. always. find a spot exclusive comme ca.)
  • segundo: (which could be described as einfach in der hocke irgendwo rum und hoffne (the inversed hoffen form for -hope- which origins right hier in the middle of the valley of the ingen aning.)
  • tertia quarta quinta: (something ending on -winter; like: fuck, the ice saints got their job misunderstood, nestcepas? nein, diese marke haben wir nicht.)
  • sex, seven witch: genau…, fkf. (settle here in the sense of: to nettle also nettsein im eigentlichen sinne obwohl der sm talk sich innerhalb hier anerkannter limits bewegen würde ich meine w
  • eight) not warcraft hast du den server runtergefahren?
  • nine. es werden immer noch (dinge wirklichkeiten) gespiegelt.
  • ten is me to close to teeth. on the right hand side youll see labcabin, california. left to you: is there anything? you think not i know.
  • let me tell you this elven story. there was a rhodo and at his foot or better, no…, -in- his foot, which was as for a rhodo superpassend (that its looking a bit out of the earth) was a little hole. the rhodo was standing on a single grave – which is for you to dimension a dimension of 1.25×2.5 in metrics – and was doing very well. summer commencement was okay although viola started to complain when it heavily started to rain and her heads fell down on mud. but rhodo knew shed come up again. so, what was the story…, achja…, the hole: nu…, some noneyetfixed rabbit (slap? damn the fuckirregular…) jdfs. kroch he not into the hole completely and somehow managed to make himself comfortable dealing shit. you not ought to name his shit as being in any way fusioned, but it surely burned as hell and rustled, crackled, and tensed with what viola then learned to call
  • AURA. the rhodo denied aura out of his rational approach to anything exterior to him, but she (because viola is always weiblich you have to know) said like
  • whoo, you with that special icannottouchyflair come here and join me. (an dieser stelle i have to explain that viola is a very lets say -frequent- one and the rhodo eher tausndfach verheiratet but you know that as i do for sure…) and this is the moment where the ring is coming ins spiel that the rabbit (or is it which? no, i not seen a rabbit doing such before) had (applied) in as we say wise aning onto one of the rhodo arms when he was still youngandfreshlyshaved in the face bitch. so he was done. (the rhodo, du spast!) where was i? achja…
  • whoowhoo, come…, join meheehe…, did you not seehee…, i also bel
  • so that was actually the point when i lost track of the rhodo history and the last thing i cannot remember was turning the viola head (for economic reasons) and putting her into the karre for in gts nmn free rhodo from the spell of that silver rabbit hole ring thing and used the rest of galvan knowledge to make aura de l’argent. and this is the end of the true story. ihr könnt jetz die fenster schlieszen aber bitte nich alle auf einmal.

09215.5 content. verarbeitung.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

theres thresholds. not necessarily only that of educational background but also some of class issue as i, friedhofsgärtner, toowhitetooldtoohetero, am seulement able to perspective this way. i really tried to forcing people into teaching me their point of view, but last at the moment of realising my own limited perception i loose any voice any opinion any point of view. see? your privileges? no? schade…, because there should be always two sides of looking at thing, at least. and if that would be one of the privileged and one of the not, why would anyone think the uppersome side is not able to reflect on the i think not guilty inherited privileges that the beyond lentement, but (from my limited view: finally…, and i will never get a point of whats bad about -us- loosing this heritage, you may, but i dont know why) claim for themselves. please let me know, im fuckin not closed to any opinion (et voici: ilya, le moment de se vouloir taire…) besides tekkno nazischeisz & heimatliedern. thanks a lot, mampfelot. st.

09215.4 thematic. ich meins ernst.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

as you mayve noticed theres no input into this. je sais vous attends le revelation si grande. mais oui, moissi. donc, estcequilya -le- moment irndwann de vous vous presenter? peutetre je suis aveugle de ne voir votre travails, mais pourquoi tu le cache? aucuneidee, aucune. je veux bien vous plais de me laisser savoir si qc emerge de tes tetes dune valeur artistique. je ne suis pas en chemin de tracer chaque little hint to your work den ich nebenbei aufschnappen kann. donc baser, decrease, senken Sie die schwelle ihrer zugänglichkeit SILVOUSPLAIT, merci, st.

09215.3 provision. by tutor. i felt free to share…

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

FYI (from the blue booklet): (chapbook with material to the ada. (st.))

Subject of the second essay proposed by the Archiv der Avantgarden is the educational gesture, in the attempt to articulate the past of its collection in the face of the needs of our present time.

The strategies to transmit and receive knowledge (and the role of art and its institutions in this process) is the working field present
in ›Methodologies of Teaching and Learning‹, from the perspective that a school could be, more than a place, a series of experiences in time, where the teacher and the student change their positions, refusing any form of hierarchy or authoritarian measures.

The American John Cage is followed by the Italian Bruno Munari, the German architect Franz Schuster and the artists Joseph Beuys, Allan Kaprow or Marcel Duchamp, among others from AdA’s collection who explicitly dealt with the idea of learning as an aesthetic tool for a socially transformative purpose.

In this scenario, a process takes place in which the archive, as well as the museum, cannot be an innocent bystander, because (at least as a possibility) it has a very particular position and responsibility.

As said by the Italian­Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi, in her writings from the 1950s on the possibility of a museum­school as a model, the educational gesture requires from the beginning a set of unavoidable questions: ›To build a museum, we should ask a number of questions, such as the Aristotelian categories: What should be taught here today?/ Who, today, do you should teach? Why do you need to teach? /How it is necessary to teach?/Where do you need to teach?‹

In her eyes, the museum should learn again. Why not also the archive?

The activities taking place in the AdA are continuously accompanied by a discursive programme that interacts with and supplements them, thereby elucidating the thematic issues from various scientific and lifeworld perspectives. The events focus on experiencing the themes and objects with the senses and reflecting upon them in a research-oriented way.

The discursive programme of the AdA equally reflects upon the role of collecting, archiving and exhibiting and presents individual objects of the collection in the frame of ›Object Talks‹. Further parts of the programme include not only scientific formats such as workshops, but above all public discussion, reading and lectures. All population and age groups – especially from Dresden and the region – are invited to attend.

09215.2 helmut: quick draft, sketch…

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

09217.2 archive of the living. methods.

texte complete and translated into scientific readability. text: helmut neundlinger.

Practical Perspectives on the Archive:
There are several layers of structure and systematic approaches, merely deriving from art history terminology, but also incorporating other aspects like gallery collections, individual collectors contributing, thematic extensions (artistic practices in cloys relation to political protest movement etc.).
It is important to understand that these systems cannot or even should not be replaced by an over-all meta-data-structure. There are possibilities/tools to integrate these singularities into a data network multitude. This is necessary for mining the subtexts, gaps, inconsistencies, and after all the untold aspects of the collection.
We would also strongly recommend a systematic representation of the sources, best done by a visualization through social network analysis. This tool would provide a still missing insight concerning the evolution of the collection and the contexts of the collector – following Bruno Latour’s definition of the actor: “An actor is someone who is brought into acting by many others.”
The archive should further try to establish a platform for communication with other archives, either through specific research projects or at least through forms of data linking. 

09215. the living archive

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

collection of -the living archive- in dresden town. examples of how to present archive content to public.

1: ALTANA GALERIE DER KUSTODIE IM GÖRGES-BAU — KUSTODIE — TU DRESDEN, fakulty of elektrotechnik/informationtechnique.

presentation: was accompanied by an -art installation- by TABITA REZAIRE (which inhere Id say represents the gaps&missing links); the technical items were arranged along 1st&2nd floor galeries…

items were mainly heavy machines from beginning to mid 20th century, manufactured by aeg, siemens halske usw. most of them transformators, generators… which covered a grand espace that time. nowadays transformatores have place within a cellphone for example…

TU dresden, faculty elektrotechnik/informationstechnik

TU dresden, faculty elektrotechnik/informationstechnik

TU dresden, faculty elektrotechnik/informationstechnik

2: same faculty, main building.

items: in -vitrines- to walk by. public accessible on way to toilet for example… 

displayed were books, -ancient- electronic parts, dokumentation of scientific (examina?)

tu dresden faculty, elektrotechnik/informationstechnik, main bulding

3: window of kunsthochschule dresden at brühlsche terassen.

presentation of work. open to passing pedestrians on the promenade who easily miss them. as I often did unless theyre not there since today…

4: botanical garden dresden.

dead end of -the living archive- and how to get there by producing an herbarium. an herbarium is a (conserved state) of a living plant (which is dried in paper/fleece matrizes under pressure) used for examination of botanical characteristics to for example specify a plant within a certain taxonomy.

botanical garden seminar rooms, herbarium

5: hygiene museum dresden. sonderausstellung -von pflanzen & menschen.-

presentation of the items which are not easily assembled under another perspective than the relations between plants & humans was open to public and served a wide didactic frame of a target group.

dna-analyzer. portable. הרדבלנ. checks&balances to whateveritakes.

map of exchange relations between continents. exchanged material (of the living archive: in terms of agricultural goods.) europe imports 4.624t of soja of which is 2% used for feeding humans. the main part goes for animal production & energy.

6: construction/restauration site at augustbrücke.

open archive of  sandstone material affected by weather in contrast to new construction material.

7. archiv -mode bewahren im öffentlichen raum-


8. archivthema -gesetze wahren-

being a responsible adult one is able to decide soimeme when to cross streets in this seriously pedestrian friendly town. you are not every five meter blocked by some red/green denunziant like in bigger cities.


9. proof of origin art piece #2.

10. archivthema: preserving economic (conditions) of the posibility of future visibility.

group ii. tuesday, evaluating biergarten. just notes…

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

cement: marceno heritage of cem. industry, schiffshebewerk

born 1944, italy, grownup germany

money issue: what would i have done with the money instead of buying art

black mountain college of the arts

before: gehirnnotiz: mannl.weibl auszählen

-vriaule- italian region, open art museum

abi warburg, collector, american southwest,

what is the worth of acknowlegdement of already known artists in contrary to warburg: few women, many known artists, names chronicle

shape new out of given material: chance to work with and open new perspectives

landscape, ranges, archive physique: massuma, judd foundation (imani)

other ways of indexing than cardboard: travelling through the arch., alternative access

zeeman? collector

interviews could reveal premises to the structure of m. collecting items

concern of archive full of holes, not valuable in todays perspective, missing missing…, eurocentristic

why did missing artist not establish their own archives…

is to integrating missed items a task seperated from m.

programming, evolve in the future: how, creating a structure which is not killing all around it…

irrelevant in this time: haha: seedbank: whats the need when world is down? nostalgic?

post isms… no one knwos what to do…

future not utopia but distopia: apocalyptic view…, unexepected developement of society, world…

two sides of reality passed: for whom is this reality reality

close archive maintenant as veraltete weltsicht

will there be an urge to study the archive in anthropological issues… under scientific view on the world -today- or is this still not necessary in future

dead galleries: galleries as part of gentrification!

silent university?

small amount of people longtime affective? didnt getit…

archive as school…, students developing the methods

plants: conception of times, different time scales, lifecycle of a plant…

differerent elements of diff. temporalities, existisng on on temporal scale, constantly evolving to the needs of people using it…

what is the a. going to be: opens it? permanent archive?

moment: static

archive on the threshold of institution

ada school…


critical view on having perspective to/access in general to the archive: why? why should NOT everybody able to have access? political issue…

why is objects this way presented? why stools?

09213.3 panel monday, notes.

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

NOTES TO PANEL 1800  & albertinum, presque NON EDIT-FAST DONE.

2nd speaker:

  • examples of relevant publications…
  • -based on paper-
  • -system und sinnlichkeit-, sammlung schering stiftung
  • m. escher
  • -in bester gesellschaft-, sammlung kupferstichkabinett
  • exhibition:
  • -a-z. die sammlung marzona.- 2014-2016, hamburger bahnhof?, us eur. konzeptkunst, minimal art, arte povera, alphabetisch geordnet, viertelj. erneuert und alph. fortgeführt; abc: regalbausystem mit (büro) charakter am ende, kopieren mgl., kommentare hinterlassen; def: dokumentation, erhalten, fotografie: archiv asp., selektive; alle exponate der räume landen am ende im regal im -büro-

3rd speaker

  • tägliche rundschau: presseorgan sovietzone hrsg, im vergleich z. -neuen deitschland- liberal u. kulturfreundlich, karl heinz adler, sozial. realist. konventionen, hochschule d. bild. künste dresden, kellerbestand
  • adler 27-18, später bauplastik, gegenstandslos, konstruktivistisch
  • ausstellung: vor der kunst., initiative bredelkamp, bestand der universitäten, noch: anatomische samml., speaker: matthias


  • till gral, deitsches institut f. animationsfilm drsd.
  • artefakt: kurt weiler, puppen, collage filmreihe -mirgel u. söhne-, ref. marx, 1968/69, figur: werner frischmuth, ekazell material, drsdn. puppenstudio, arme ziegenleder ummantelt, stark mitgenommen, hintergrund des erwerbs: wohnungsauflösung, 2018 achieved,


  • direktorin sächs. staatsarchiv, klassisches archiv, exp. ausdruck aus elektronisches archiv., statistik, stat. landesamt, einwohner sachsen, personal, dingekosten, stückzahl kinderwagen, alle unterlagen kommen nach 30 ins archiv, also alle daten, handeln der verwaltung nachvollziehbar, überlieferung, hierarchische archivwürdigkeot von unterlagen, 2. step evidenzwert, (arbeitsweise der behörde), aussagekraft, selektion durchs archiv, was bleibt erhalten, entstehen unterlagen behörden, gerichte, eigentlich nicht publikationsziel, erst als archivgut für jedne bürger zugänglich, bestände des staatsarchiv nach provenienzprinzip, architektonik regional, archivalien: unabhängig vom entstehungszusammenhang, archiv unbenutzt sinnlos, auswertungsoffen, jede denkbare nutzung zugänglich machen, frage nach aufgabe und zuständigkeiten d. behörden,
  • konkret: marianne schönfelder, foto gerhard richter, dazu: welche behörde war für die verni htung(zwangssterilisation?) verantwortlich
  • sachsarchiv adresse…, semantische lap: einheitliche erschlieszungsstandards, auswertungs, kompatibler output, spk fr. wettmann


  • gemäldegalerie: findbuch: geschichte d. institution, metainformation über archivmaterial, schriftgut, was ist wichtig aufgehoben zu werden, zusprechung v. wert, archivwürdigkeit v. material, urheberrechtl. belange,
  • konkret: ihv, th. gliederung, vorwort, auflistung vorh. akten, gliederung d. akten, vorwrt geschichte d. instit., amtsträger, zitiervorschr. hinweise z. altenbestelling,


  • kerstin küster, skd, gerhard richter archiv, comic strip, 1962, 32 drsd geb., orig. 57, märchenbuch f. erwachsene, faks. 2014 hrsg., (sander), 2.12.2017 auktionsh. (lemberts?), noch nicht kpl. digitalisiert, kaum zugänglich, schw. männer erst gemalt, dann gestempelt, 600 inventarnr./anno neuzugang,


  • kupferstichkabinett, josef (hegenbarth) archive

2nd panel: albertinum

prof. werner:

  • werkcharakter der rezeption von kunstwerken, werkzeichnungen, lager, inaktive kunstwerke (konzeptkunst): was bedeutet ein kw im lager,
  • begriff der handling, innere modellierung, zeichnungen, photogr. von modellierungen: bewahrung des moments der werkwerdung
  • musealisiering von produktionsstätten


  • haufen namen, galeristin, falström, erro, barrocello; briefe, einladungen, schilderung d. thematik, handgeschr.

werner, zeitzeugen…, alle (participants) überrascht von d. exponaten, fluxus, konzeptk.! wesentliches moment, agieren vor publikum, jörg immen(hof?)

09213.2 linkage: library

Last Updated on 20230324(09.08)

for example: you are here. you have to go there. someway. follow the trampelpfad.

to be continued: (i would prefer you edit/complete this list but im not sure if it works out…)

  • if you stand around and dont know what youre looking at: denkmaldatenbank dresden. — this…, is not a useful link. follow the trampelpfad. — another useless link: dresden sucks. — nice. end up wikipedia.

ok, serious: sites, w/o. gool.

berlin.de -> the homepage of the grand stinky oyster BLN itself. for finding admin, tourist, culture, traffic, general stuff concerning life in berlin. if you want to have a ticket to prolonger ta passport: ici.

hkw.de -> the homepage of the grand schwangere auster culture institution BLN.

more institutions:

arsenal-berlin.de -> institut für film- und videokunst e.V.

zk/u berlin -> center for art and urbanistics. (link chain: steve rowell, participant.)

literatur A:

lcb.de -> literatur am wannsee. grand schwangere villa, wideranged literature program. sbhf wannsee.

literaturhaus-berlin.de -> fasanenstrasze, kudamm…, tout en centre ville. centre vieille naturement…

buchhändlerkeller -> savignyplatz. yet non funded charlottenburg institution. go there, save charlottenburg culture lieux.

literatur B:

lettretage -> networks, readings, workshops, support. mehringdamm, krzbg.

acud -> literature just one of the many aspects of its contributes to berlin kulturleben. cinema, music, sometimes theatre. centreville rosenthaler platz.

literature sediment:

hidden page. pwd protected. skd entry. i hope you somewhere scrawled it down. if not: contacter rotefaden…

if you have langeweile in BLN:

voebb.de -> homepage of the -verbund öffentlicher bibliotheken- in BLN. if you was not able to transport a rucksack full of books coming to town.

fu-berlin.de -> freie universität berlin. dahlem. if you yet not decided wether to (prolonger tes etudes) lucky student.

tu-berlin.de -> samesame but technical university. ernst-reuter-platz. bithewai: bauhaus archiv. deutsche oper. manufactum. flomarkt 17 juni WTF.

hu-berlin.de -> self explaining is it? (humboldt). unter den linden.

and: you DONT need a car in this town. sbahn. bvg.

TASK: okay. dresden would like to become Kulturhauptstadt 2025. fck nzs. fck pgd. fck the altstadt. fck deres no beer in the city. wie soll man da kultur genieszen…


literaturfestival. berlin, 2019.

this site is no longer actualise. for archive reasons its still visible. for work study outgo visit: ./.STUDIO./.  rotefadenbuecher.

da werden sie geholfen.